Michael Lowe, Ed.D.

Founder and Chief Development Officer

As a life-long educator who has a passion for his field, Dr. Lowe currently serves as the Director of Equity and Access for Memphis-Shelby County Schools. Michael works alongside instructional leaders to encourage them to not think systemically but act locally on behalf of the historically underserved scholars of Memphis, Tennessee. An equity walkthrough tool has been embraced and used through his equity work to develop teachers and create a sense of belonging for all.

Prior to his role as Director of Equity and Access, Lowe served as Director of Leadership Development for MSCS. He began his career as a 5th-grade mathematics teacher in Memphis, Tennessee, with Shelby County Schools.

Michael is a member of MOSAIC Fellowship Cohort 2022. Michael is also a member of the inaugural class of the Yale School of Management with a Master’s in Public Administration.

Roderick Richmond, Ed.D.

Senior Director of Policy and Research

Roderick Richmond is currently the Executive Director of Student Support Services for Memphis Shelby County Schools. He is responsible for driving multi-year strategic planning practices for student support services, managing extracurricular offerings, developing consistent district-wide school operation strategies, and enforcing accountability and control measures. Dr. Richmond has served in several district leadership roles. He has served as the Chief Academic Officer, co-chair of the Transition Steering Committee, which was responsible for overseeing one of the largest school mergers in the history of public education. In addition, he served as Deputy Superintendent and Chief of School Operations for Memphis City Schools. He led improvement efforts with the district’s high priority schools through the Striving Schools and I-Zone, a nationally recognized turnaround model for the country. 

Erika Lowe, Ed.S.

Senior Instructional Designer and Leadership Coach

Erika currently serves as the Principal of Balmoral Ridgeway Optional School in Memphis, Tennessee. She has served as an English teacher at Booker T. Washington High School, Teacher Learning Community Advisor, and Senior Advisor to the Chief of Schools in Memphis. With over 17 years of experience in education, Erika is passionate about supporting equitable outcomes and disrupting systemic inequities by carefully crafting thoughtful learning experiences for adults. She provides masterful coaching to teacher leaders and has utilized a playbook that has a direct point of emphasis on creating a great place to work, developing teachers, and managing talent.

Peabody Elementary was presented with an awesome opportunity to work with Dr. Michael Lowe this (past) 2022 school year. My school counselor, Tamara Turner, and I had a special group of 4th and 5th grade boys who represented about 50% of our disciplinary referrals to the office. They met with our boys weekly, and we immediately saw improvements with behavior and increased self-esteem among this special group of boys. Dr. Lowe required the boys to wear their “Band of Brothers” sweatshirt each day they met. You could see the pride on their faces when wearing their sweatshirts as they walked the school’s hallways. When Dr. Lowe created the end of the year incentive to take the boys to Alabama, the boys started taking more ownership with their grades and behavior. It was great motivation for our boys! Moreover, I truly believe the biggest value our boys gained from this experience was having the opportunity to see positive black men supporting them and modeling a roadmap for them to do better/be better! Priceless!!! This is a great program that Dr. Lowe has created and I hope to see it in many more of our schools. Thanks again for making a difference at Peabody Elementary!
Melanie Nelson
Principal Peabody Elementary, Memphis. Tennessee
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